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My Role Image

My Role

My position inside the company was to design and optimise the UI and UX for MTV Trax in iOS, Android and Windows platforms. In more detail some of my daily tasks consist of:

  • Building prototypes and presenting them to the product team
  • Producing new features from initial conceptual ideas through to wireframing, design and animation if necessary
  • To enhance the overall user experience on all platforms
  • Supporting the design team and other junior members of the team if needed.
  • Using all the main design programmes such as Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, Principle, Pixate, Zeplin, Balasmiq and any others if needed.

My design work is focused around the latest trends within UI design which include design patterns such as Material Design for Android, and the Metro Design pattern commonly used within windows apps.

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To consistently produce and maintain the MTV Trax mobile app and also bring new and innovative ideas and design practices to the business.

Produce high quality engaging design work to meet the demographic
To help develop new features with the product and tech team
To increase users engagement with the product
To create a seemless UX for users to be able to listen and play music


Below shows the typical cycle I would go through when producing a new feature with the product and design team. Facilitating in user story workshops and sketching.

  • User research to understandUser research to understand
  • User experience to help explainUser experience to help explain
  • User centered design to bring to lifeUser centered design to bring to life
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
The Process

The process

Below is an example of some high-fi wireframes I produced when creating a new feature for MTV Trax called the discovery store.


The taste profile

I worked on one of the main features for MTV Trax which was the taste profile, this would be featured at the onboarding cycle of the app.

It involved high in depth planning, wireframes, design, prototypes and animations. I played a key role in this process and achieving the end product.


This is how the taste profile would work when finished. I took inspiration from the swiping cards style feature which is used in many apps such as Tinder.



The app is available for all iphone and ipad users.

Iphone Link


The app is available for all android users for mobile and tablet.

Android Link


below shows a selection of screens from the redesign of the android app. I was integral in the re-skin of the android app to make it feel more modern and native. I used key principle from the material design guidelines and worked closely with developers to achieve the desired vision for the end product.

Music channel
I recreated the top navigaion to be a tabbing slider and the music itself would inside a channel below that.
Music channel
The users profile was embedded inside the a tray which was triggered through a butger menu.
Tracks list
The tracks list used a pale grey and whites colour tone to bring more focus to the artist imagery.
Tracks list
Music player
The music player took a lot of inspiration from Material design using the overlapping ‘like’ call to action button.
Prototypes and testing

Prototypes and testing

I would always build completley flushed out prototypes to fully feel the feature and test internally around the office.

Prototypes Test 1
Prototypes Test 2
Prototypes Test 3
Prototypes Test 4
Prototypes Test 5
Prototypes Test 6
Prototypes Test 7
Prototypes Test 8
Prototypes Test 9

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