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My Role

My Role

Hired at Quander as a contractor consultant, my role was to take their product to the next level and produce a strategy for how they could reach out to a new market of users and customers. I developed a 6 month plan which involved a month of user research such as user interviews and setting up multiple data tracking platforms like Hotjar and Google Analytics. Myself and Quander then used the learnings from this to decide on how best to develop the next stages of the product. We decided to produce Shutterbug which would be the next set in Quander family of features. My role was an end to end design process of wireframes, UI design, prototypes and testing. I also took it upon myself to help manage other areas of the product such as developing a pricing strategy and roadmaps for it release.

Shutterbug 1
Problem statement

Problem statement

When joining quander they had a product which could only reach business users as it was too technical and unusable for consumer users. The task was to understand how they could reach consumer users through a digital product and then design and build it.

Undertake customer research to understand why the product doesn’t reach consumer users
Develop a new product/feature if needed - this would require a whole design system produced.
Increase customers through a product that is scalable.
Work closely with Quanders stakeholder to insure all the parties are happy

User and customer research

The initial stages of developing Shutterbug involved conducting a large amount of research by running user interviews with Quander’s current clients and users. Along with this, I also set up Hotjar and Google analytic softwares for quantitative data feedback.

User 1

Benchmarking against competitors and similar products was a large part of planning how we could build shutterbug and define the required elements needed.

User 2

We ran story mapping sessions to help break down how the product could work and define priority of which features needed to be build against a timeline.

Customer interviews

I conducted three different types of user interviews. One which would focus on asking a series of questions to our current users who use the Quander products. One testing a low fidelity wireframe of Shutterbug on our current user base. And one conducting Guerrilla testing to potential future users with the same wireframe. From this I then collated all the research to present back to the Quander stakeholders.

Customer interviews
The Process

The Process

Based on the research we determined that the best solution would be to create a new product (Shutterbug), this product would be a tablet app and have a more consumer friendly feel to it

I created a full end to end user journey for the Shutterbug product, this at that point was a first stage journey, but served as a good base for us to change things as I went further into design Shutterbug.

Process 1

Click through prototype

Here is some of the key screens from the wireframe prototype I created for Shutterbug which we tested before moving onto design.



The UI design was based on the current Quander branding and feedback from our research faze. The Shutterbug style is more fun then the Quander brand as its focus is on consumers rather then businesses.



The login screen would have photo showreel video in the background to show how the product could be used



The camera had multiple features built into it so the user could take all different types of media and then manage everything directly within this screen.



The final step of the product was to share the media on social media, this led to a large amount of feedback from consumers which described what they wanted to be included.

Design system

As this product was created from scratch I also create a design system that could be used after I finished with Quander and user when developing any other new features. I worked closely with an artist to produce the illustrations to represent the brand I had created.

Design System 1
Design System 2
Design System 3
Design System 4

Web application

I also produced a web dashboard which would be given to users when they upgrade a business tier. The designs for this follow the same style as the main app which has a playful feel.

Web application 1
Web application 2
Web application 3
Web application 4
Shutterbug Medium article

Shutterbug Medium article

I created a blog post for my time spent at Quander and working on Shutterbug. It’s called “Pivoting a product according to research”. Feel free to take a read.

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